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In July 2018, “Hidden Christian Heritage Sites in Nagasaki and the Amakusa Region” were listed as world heritage cultural sites. In this context, although a year has elapsed since the commencement of promotional activities, yet the tradition of the religious activities of these so-called “Kakure Kirishitan (Hidden Christians),” which was inherited in these regions in the course of these generations, is being lost due to the passage of time, and the inheritors of these traditions too are declining in number. This committee was launched by individuals, who, after having studied and researched the tales of the Hidden Christians who had played such a momentous role both in the history of the Japanese nation and with regard to the promotion of art and culture, considered it a mission on their part to compile a record of their findings. Accordingly, in 2015 we sought the cooperation of municipalities, organizations, and experts, we commenced preparatory activities, and launched the “Hidden Christians Illustrated Reference Book Project Executive Committee,” on December 20, 2016. Our aim was to make this unique culture known around the nation and the world by compiling records of the Hidden Christians, not merely in Nagasaki and Amakusa but in all other areas of the nation as well, and thereby create a first-time publication, both in Japanese and in English. Additionally, we seek to transmit the history of these Hidden Christians by way of symposiums and exhibitions both for universities and for the general public, and concurrently undertake efforts aimed at raising funds for the project.
16世紀の半ばにフランシスコ・ザビエルによって日本に伝えられたキリスト教は中世の多くの日本人の心をつかみ、一時は織田信長、豊臣秀吉にも受け入れられキリシタン大名が数多く登場しました。その後、禁教令によって日本のキリシタンに暗黒の時代が訪れます。そのような時代に数百年にわたって秘かにキリスト教の信仰を守りつづけてきた人々がいます。「かくれキリシタン」といわれる人々です。かくれキリシタン(以下 現在の呼称「潜伏キリシタン」)の存在は、キリスト教史の一部と考えられてきました。しかし、その存在に言及せずして日本の歴史を語ることは出来ません。潜伏キリシタンの信仰生活は日本人の精神の在りように触れるものだからです。それは、たとえば、遠藤周作の『沈黙』や長与善郎の『青銅の基督』といった文学作品にも見て取れます。日本のキリスト教は、「繁栄→弾圧→潜伏→復活」という波瀾の歴史を歩んできました。禁教期におけるキリスト教信者は、これまで「隠れキリシタン」と紹介されてきました。しかし、その信仰の形は様々です。また、明治時代に入って禁教が解かれた後の信者たちの信仰の形も、集落によって独自のものがあります。その呼び方も最近の研究により「潜伏」「かくれ」「はなれ」と使い分けされるようになりつつあります。
Christianity was conveyed to Japan in the middle of the 16th century by Francis Xavier, and the religion charmed the hearts of many Japanese people. For a while, prominent lords such as Oda Nobunaga and Toyotomi Hideyoshi approved of Christianity, and several Christian daimyos (feudal lords) appeared around the country, but in time the persecution of Christianity commenced, and this heralded the dark ages for Christians in Japan. Nevertheless though there did exist people who secretly adhered to their faith for several hundred years, and the existence of such people who were termed “Kakure Kirishitan (Hidden Christians),” and who are currently known as “Senpuku Kirishitan (Underground Christians),” is now conceded as constituting a part of Christian history. Indeed, no discussion is possible on the history of Japan that fails to mention their presence, since the pious and conscientious lives they led stirred the very core of Japanese spirituality. This is a fact verified in literary works such as the novel Silence by Shusaku Endo, or the screenplay Seido no Kirisuto (Christ in Bronze) by Yoshiro Nagayo. Christianity in Japan endured a gruesome past, a history that varied from prosperity to oppression, concealment, and revival. Those who managed to sustain their faith during the period of the ban were termed “Kakure Kirishitan.” They upheld their faith in a diversity of ways, and subsequent to the lifting of the ban in the Meiji Period, their lives took on a variety of unique forms in diverse communities. As an outcome of recent research distinct labels are now being used to refer to them, including “senpuku (underground),” “kakure (hidden),” and “hanare (isolated).”
AIn 2018, a total of 12 assets that provide us an account of the religious culture and tradition fostered by the Hidden Christians or so-called Kakure Kirishitan in Nagasaki and the Amakusa region, were nominated for listing as UNESCO World Heritage sites. Yet in the meantime, the culture of their religious activities is being lost, owing to fewer numbers of successors remaining in order to maintain their tradition. This project aims at studying, collecting, and documenting the tangible and intangible relics and cultural assets of the Hidden Christians in Japan, lest they decline and be consigned to oblivion with the passage of time. This is done in order that they may be passed on to future generations. At the same time however symposiums and exhibitions will be organized, in order to shed new light on the history of the country.
Supporting the activities for the listing of “Hidden Christians Heritage Sites in Nagasaki and the Amakusa Region ” as a UNESCO World Heritage site in 2018.
Providing an overview of the relics and cultural assets that were fostered by Christianity in Japan over a period of nearly 500 years to question the identity of the Japanese people and their “spiritual history.”
Compiling a database of Christian relics and cultural assets that have been preserved in various regions around Japan to contribute to research on Japanese history and culture.
Conducting symposiums and exhibitions in Amakusa, Nagasaki, Kinai, Tokyo, Sendai and Hokkaido, based on historical materials that were discovered in the process of compiling the “Illustrated Reference Book.”
Christian relics and cultural assets have been preserved in Japan despite the persecution of Christians that raged through the country for nearly 300 years. Today, they can be found mainly in Kyushu, in areas including Nagasaki, Amakusa, Hirado, Shimabara and the Goto Islands as well as other regions around the country such as Yamaguchi, Kinai in Ibaraki City, Osaka Prefecture, Tokyo, Sendai and Yamagata.
Message from the Pope
Approximately 1,500 items consisting mainly of relics, cultural assets and historical documents in various locations around Japan will be included in the Illustrated Reference Book with commentaries. The items are owned by Sophia University, Tokyo National Museum, Nagasaki Museum of History and Culture, Miki Sawada Memorial Museum, Shimabara Castle Christian Archives Museum, Twenty-Six Martyrs Museum, Hirado Kirishitan Museum, Ibaraki Municipal Christian Heritage Museum and others.
Short history on “Christianity (Christians) in Japan.”
Commentary on “Senpuku Kirishitan (Underground Christians), Kakure Kirishitan (Hidden Christians), Revival and Isolation.”
Churches and Christian sites in Nagasaki City, Sasebo City, Hirado City, Goto City, Minamishimabara City, Ojika-cho, Shinkamigoto-cho and Amakusa City, which are nominated for listing as a UNESCO World Heritage.
Profiles of Christian daimyo (feudal lords) and the people around them (Takayama Ukon, Omura Sumitada, Arima Harunobu, Hasekura Tsunenaga, etc.)
天草、東京、長崎、京都、仙台、北海道 2017年11月~2018年11月順次開催。
Introduction of the relics discovered in the process of compiling the Illustrated Reference Book. Reexamination of the relics included in the Illustrated Reference Book. Display of historical documents (materials) discovered or included in the Illustrated Reference Book
Amakusa, Tokyo, Nagasaki, Kyoto, Sendai, Hokkaido
To be held in order from October 2017 to November 2018.
*50音順 In Japanese alphabetical order
*50音順 In Japanese alphabetical order
Nagasaki Prefecture, Kumamoto Prefecture, Nagasaki City, Sasebo City, Hirado City, Goto City, Minamishimabara City, Ojika-cho, Shinkamigoto-cho, Amakusa City, Ibaraki City, Oiso-machi, Tokyo National Museum, Kyoto University, Sophia University, Seisa University